Bhasker D, Chakravarty D, Singla A.Demographics of horse-riding injuries presenting in Accident & Emergency Department of a District General Hospital.Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma, PeterboroughHospitals.Poster presentation in the British Trauma Society Meeting, 2007.
Chakravarty D, Bhasker D, Parker MJ.Long-term functional outcome in young patients with fracture neck of femur.Presented in the British Trauma Society Meeting, 2007.
Chakravarty D, Kar S.Nursing awareness about compartment syndrome –this study explores awareness amongst nurses about compartment syndrome. Poster presentation in the British Trauma Society Meeting, 2004.
Chakravarty D,Khanna A, Massraf A.Long-term functional outcome of patients with symptomatic clavicular non-union: A comparison between heavy manual worker and light worker group: Presented at The Naughton Dunn meeting at Royal Orthopaedic hospital, Birmingham, November 2006.
Chakravarty D, Boyle A, Parker MJ.The consequences of blood transfusion for hip fractures: presented at the British Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress in Birmingham, September 2003 and British Trauma Society meeting at London, October 2003.