Hip Replacement Specialist in Kolkata

Hip replacement surgery, also known as hip arthroplasty, is a procedure where a damaged or worn-out hip joint is replaced with an artificial joint or implant. This surgery is typically recommended when other treatments haven’t provided adequate pain relief or improved mobility.

Dr. Debasis Chakravarty, a renowned Hip Replacement Specialist in Kolkata, brings over 30 years of experience, specializing in joint replacement and trauma surgery. He has extensive training in complex primary and revision joint surgeries.

What is Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip replacement surgery, also known as hip arthroplasty, is a procedure where a damaged or worn-out hip joint is replaced with an artificial joint or implant. This surgery is typically recommended when other treatments haven’t provided adequate pain relief or improved mobility.

Who Needs Hip Replacement Surgery?

This surgery is often considered for individuals with:

  • Severe arthritis causing joint damage and pain.
  • Hip fractures or injuries that haven’t healed well.
  • Conditions like osteonecrosis, where blood supply to the hip bone is disrupted.

The Hip Replacement Procedure: Step-by-Step

  1. Preparation: Before the surgery, you’ll undergo a thorough medical evaluation. This helps in planning the procedure and ensuring safety during surgery.
  2. Anesthesia: General or spinal anesthesia is administered, ensuring you are comfortable and pain-free during the operation.
  3. Surgical Procedure:
    • An incision is made over the hip to expose the joint.
    • Damaged bone and cartilage are removed and replaced with a prosthetic socket in the pelvic bone.
    • The round ball on the top of the femur (thighbone) is then replaced with a prosthetic ball, which is attached to a stem fitting inside the femur.
  4. Closing the Incision: Once the joint is replaced, the incision is closed with sutures or staples.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

Post-surgery, recovery involves:

  • Hospital Stay: Typically, a few days in the hospital are required.
  • Physical Therapy: Begins soon after surgery to aid mobility and strengthen the hip.
  • Home Recovery: Involves specific exercises and gradually resuming daily activities.
  • Follow-up: Regular check-ups with Dr. Chakravarty ensure proper healing and recovery.

Benefits of Hip Replacement

  • Significant pain reduction.
  • Improved joint function and mobility.
  • Enhanced quality of life with the ability to return to daily activities.

Why Choose Dr. Chakravarty – renowned Hip Replacement Specialist in Kolkata?

His expertise, combined with a patient-centered approach, ensures you receive comprehensive care tailored to your specific needs.

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Reverse Shoulder Replacement

Reverse shoulder arthroplasty is a surgical procedure used to treat irreparable rotator cuff tears, severe arthritis, or failed previous shoulder surgeries.

Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Procedure:

  • Reverse shoulder arthroplasty is a surgical procedure used to treat certain shoulder conditions, such as irreparable rotator cuff tears, severe arthritis, or failed previous shoulder surgeries.
  • During the surgery, the positions of the ball and socket in the shoulder joint are reversed, allowing the deltoid muscle to take over the role of lifting the arm instead of the damaged rotator cuff muscles.
  • This procedure is particularly beneficial for patients who do not have a functioning rotator cuff.


  • Improved shoulder function and range of motion, especially for patients with irreparable rotator cuff tears.
  • Reduced pain and improved stability in the shoulder joint.
  • Enhanced ability to lift and perform overhead activities.
  • Restored quality of life and increased independence in daily activities.

Success Rate:

  • The success rate of reverse shoulder arthroplasty is generally high, with studies showing significant improvement in pain relief and functional outcomes.
  • Most patients experience a notable improvement in shoulder function and a reduction in pain after the surgery.
  • It is essential to follow the post-operative rehabilitation protocol to achieve the best outcomes.

Recovery Period:

  • Before Hospital: Before surgery, you will undergo a thorough evaluation to ensure you are a suitable candidate for reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Your medical history, current health, and lifestyle will be considered.
  • In the Hospital: After the surgery, you will be closely monitored by a healthcare team to manage pain and prevent complications. Physical therapy will begin during your hospital stay to initiate shoulder movement and promote healing.
  • At Home: Once discharged from the hospital, you will continue with prescribed physiotherapy sessions to strengthen the shoulder and improve range of motion. The recovery period can vary, but most patients can resume light activities within a few weeks and achieve full recovery in about 4-6 months.

Motivational Aspect of Improved Lifestyle:

  • After successful recovery, you can experience an improved lifestyle with reduced pain and increased mobility in your shoulder joint.
  • Engaging in daily activities, such as dressing, grooming, and reaching overhead, will become more manageable and less painful.
  • You will regain the ability to participate in recreational activities and hobbies that were limited before the surgery.
  • The surgery can boost your overall confidence and well-being, as you regain independence and functionality in your daily life.

Question & Answer: Q1: Is reverse shoulder arthroplasty suitable for all shoulder conditions? A1: No, reverse shoulder arthroplasty is typically reserved for patients with irreparable rotator cuff tears, severe arthritis, or failed previous shoulder surgeries. Your orthopedic surgeon will determine if you are a suitable candidate based on your specific condition.

Q2: What is the average success rate of reverse shoulder arthroplasty? A2: The success rate of reverse shoulder arthroplasty is generally high, with most patients experiencing significant improvement in pain relief and functional outcomes. However, individual results may vary based on various factors such as age, overall health, and adherence to post-operative rehabilitation.

Q3: How long does the recovery period take, and what can I expect during this time? A3: The recovery period can vary, but most patients can resume light activities within a few weeks after surgery. Full recovery, including regaining strength and range of motion, typically takes about 4-6 months. During this time, you will work closely with a physical therapist to perform specific exercises and gradually increase shoulder function.

Q4: What lifestyle changes can I expect after the surgery? A4: After successful recovery, you can expect an improved lifestyle with reduced shoulder pain and increased mobility. You will be able to perform daily activities with less difficulty, and many patients find renewed enjoyment in recreational activities and hobbies that were challenging before the surgery.

Remember, it is essential to have open communication with your orthopedic surgeon and diligently follow the prescribed post-operative rehabilitation program to achieve the best results from reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Each patient’s situation is unique, so your surgeon will tailor the treatment plan to suit your specific needs and goals.

Revision Arthroplasty

Joint revision is essential when prior replacements fail or wear out, causing pain and mobility issues.

Joint revision is essential when prior replacements fail or wear out, causing pain and mobility issues. Our goal is to reduce your pain, restore function, and enhance your quality of life. Potential complications include infection, blood clots, and implant concerns, which our expert team minimizes with precise care. We understand the emotional challenges and provide dedicated support and resources to maintain a positive outlook during your recovery. Contact us for a consultation, and let’s work together to improve your joint health and overall well-being.

Fractures & Trauma

I am a trauma orthopedic surgeon specializing in bone and joint injuries, from minor fractures to complex trauma cases.

I am a trauma orthopedic surgeon specializing in bone and joint injuries, from minor fractures to complex trauma cases. With a focus on cutting-edge treatments and world-class implants, I tailor my approach to your unique needs. My dedicated team ensures comprehensive care, emphasizing evidence-based practices. Trust in our expertise for your recovery.

Total Elbow Replacement

Total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) is a surgical procedure aimed at replacing a damaged or diseased elbow joint with an artificial joint.

Total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) is a surgical procedure aimed at replacing a damaged or diseased elbow joint with an artificial joint. Here are some key points to understand about the procedure:

Benefits of Total Elbow Arthroplasty:

  • Relieves pain: TEA can significantly reduce pain caused by arthritis or joint damage, improving your quality of life.
  • Restores function: By replacing the damaged joint, TEA can restore range of motion and strength in your elbow, allowing you to perform daily activities with greater ease.
  • Improves joint stability: The new artificial joint provides enhanced stability, reducing the risk of dislocations and instability.
  • Enhances lifestyle: After successful recovery, many patients experience an improved lifestyle with increased participation in activities they previously had to avoid due to elbow pain.

Success Rate and Recovery Period:

  • TEA has a high success rate, with most patients experiencing significant pain relief and functional improvement.
  • The recovery period varies for each individual but typically involves a hospital stay of 2 to 3 days.
  • After discharge, you will begin physiotherapy sessions to aid in elbow mobility and strength recovery, gradually improving over several weeks.

Physiotherapy Sessions:
Before Hospital:

  • Pre-operative exercises will be recommended to optimize your elbow’s range of motion and muscle strength before surgery, which can aid in post-operative recovery.

In the Hospital:

  • Shortly after surgery, a physical therapist will guide you through gentle exercises to promote blood circulation and prevent stiffness.
  • As your condition improves, more advanced exercises will be introduced to gradually increase your elbow’s range of motion and strength.

At Home:

  • After discharge, it is essential to continue with prescribed at-home exercises and adhere to your physiotherapy plan.
  • Your physical therapist will guide you on proper home care and exercises to support your elbow’s healing process.

Motivational Aspects of Improved Lifestyle:

  • Following successful recovery, many patients experience reduced pain and improved joint function, allowing them to engage in activities they love, such as gardening, golfing, or playing with grandchildren.
  • The increased mobility and independence after TEA can positively impact emotional well-being, leading to a more fulfilling and active lifestyle.

Question & Answer:

  1. Will I be pain-free after total elbow arthroplasty?

While total elbow arthroplasty aims to significantly reduce pain, complete pain relief may not always be achieved. However, most patients experience a substantial improvement in pain levels.

  1. How long does it take to fully recover after the surgery?

The complete recovery period can vary, but it generally takes several months to achieve maximum improvement. It is essential to follow your physiotherapy plan diligently for the best outcome.

  1. Can I return to sports or physically demanding activities after TEA?

While you may regain significant function and mobility, it is essential to consult your doctor before returning to sports or activities involving heavy strain on the elbow joint. Your surgeon will guide you on safe levels of physical activity post-surgery.

  1. Are there any potential risks or complications associated with total elbow arthroplasty?

As with any surgical procedure, total elbow arthroplasty carries some risks, including infection, blood clots, and implant-related issues. Your orthopaedic surgeon will discuss these risks with you before the surgery.

  1. Will I need to use assistive devices after the surgery?

Initially, you may require the use of assistive devices like slings or braces to support your arm during the early stages of recovery. However, as you progress through physiotherapy and regain strength, you should be able to gradually reduce dependence on these devices.

Remember, every patient’s situation is unique, so it’s crucial to have a thorough discussion with your orthopaedic surgeon to assess if total elbow arthroplasty is the right option for you. The goal of this procedure is to help you lead a more comfortable and active lifestyle with improved elbow function and reduced pain.


Total Shoulder Replacement

Total shoulder arthroplasty is a surgical procedure that involves replacing the damaged parts of the shoulder joint with artificial components to relieve pain and improve function.

Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (Total Shoulder Replacement):

  • Total shoulder arthroplasty is a surgical procedure that involves replacing the damaged parts of the shoulder joint with artificial components to relieve pain and improve function.
  • It is commonly recommended for patients with severe shoulder arthritis, fractures, or rotator cuff tears that have not responded to conservative treatments.

Benefits and Success Rate:

  • The primary benefit of total shoulder arthroplasty is significant pain relief, which enhances your overall quality of life and allows you to perform daily activities with greater ease.
  • Improved shoulder function leads to better range of motion and increased strength, making it easier to perform tasks like reaching, lifting, and carrying objects.
  • The success rate of total shoulder arthroplasty is high, with most patients experiencing significant improvement in pain and function after the surgery.
  • With proper post-operative care and adherence to rehabilitation, many patients achieve excellent long-term outcomes.

Recovery Period:

  • Before Hospital: Before surgery, you will be evaluated by the surgical team to ensure you are physically ready for the procedure. Pre-operative tests and assessments will be conducted.
  • In the Hospital: Total shoulder arthroplasty typically requires a hospital stay of 1 to 3 days. During this time, pain will be managed, and you will begin gentle exercises with the help of a physical therapist to promote early recovery.
  • At Home Physiotherapy Sessions: After discharge, you will continue with at-home physiotherapy sessions. These exercises will focus on improving shoulder strength, flexibility, and stability gradually.

Motivational Aspect of Improved Lifestyle:

  • Following successful rehabilitation, you can expect a remarkable improvement in your ability to perform everyday activities and hobbies, such as gardening, cooking, or playing sports, without experiencing debilitating pain.
  • The increased range of motion and strength in your shoulder will enhance your overall independence and boost your confidence in various social and recreational settings.
  • By regaining an active lifestyle, you can also enjoy improved mental and emotional well-being, as physical activity releases endorphins and reduces stress.

Question & Answer:

Q: Will I be completely pain-free after total shoulder arthroplasty?

A: While most patients experience significant pain relief after surgery, it is essential to have realistic expectations. Some mild discomfort during the recovery period is normal, but it should improve gradually.

Q: How long does it take to fully recover from the surgery?

A: The timeline for recovery varies for each individual, but most patients can expect substantial improvement within 3 to 6 months. Full recovery and optimal shoulder function may take up to a year.

Q: Will I be able to return to my favorite sports and activities after the surgery?

A: In many cases, patients can resume sports and activities they enjoy after a successful recovery. Your orthopedic team will guide you on when and how to safely return to specific physical activities.

Q: Are there any potential risks or complications associated with total shoulder arthroplasty?

A: As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved, such as infection, blood clots, nerve or blood vessel injury, and implant-related issues. However, your surgeon will take all necessary precautions to minimize these risks.

Remember, successful outcomes depend on your active participation in the rehabilitation process. By following the prescribed exercises and taking care of yourself, you can look forward to a rewarding and improved lifestyle after total shoulder arthroplasty.

Total Knee Replacement Surgeon in Kolkata

Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) is a surgical procedure that involves replacing the damaged knee joint with an artificial implant, known as a prosthesis.

As a leading Knee Replacement Surgeon in Kolkata, I specialize in Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA), a highly effective surgical procedure designed to alleviate severe knee pain and enhance joint functionality. This procedure is particularly beneficial for patients suffering from conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or those who have sustained knee injuries. During TKA, the damaged knee joint is expertly replaced with a meticulously crafted artificial implant, known as a prosthesis, ensuring improved mobility and quality of life for my patients in Kolkata.

To improve the readability and structure of the provided content about Total Knee Replacement (TKA), I will revise it by shortening sentences, using more active voice and transition words, adding subheadings, and simplifying language for easier understanding. Here’s the revised content:

Benefits of Total Knee Replacement (TKA)

  1. Pain Relief and Improved Daily Activities: TKA effectively reduces pain. It makes daily activities like walking and climbing stairs more comfortable.
  2. Enhanced Joint Function:This surgery restores knee mobility and stability. You can move more freely without discomfort.
  3. Quality of Life: TKA allows you to enjoy activities previously limited by knee pain. Your overall well-being improves significantly.


High Success Rate of TKA

  1. Positive Outcomes: Over 90% of patients report satisfaction post-surgery. They experience less pain and better joint function.
  2. Advancements in Procedure: Years of refinement have enhanced TKA’s effectiveness. Complications have notably decreased.

Recovery Journey

  1. Pre-Surgery Evaluation: Your orthopaedic surgeon assesses your suitability for TKA. This includes reviewing your medical history and conducting physical exams.
  2. Hospital Stay: Post-surgery, expect a short hospital stay. During this time, you’ll receive pain management and start physiotherapy.
  3. Home Rehabilitation: Once home, continue physiotherapy. These sessions focus on strengthening and regaining knee flexibility.

Life After TKA

  1. Enhanced Lifestyle: Post-TKA, you’ll likely see a substantial improvement in your lifestyle. Activities once hindered by knee pain become possible again.
  2. Active Living: Enjoy walking, climbing, and low-impact exercises. A more active life awaits you post-recovery.

Ideal Candidates for TKA

Severe Pain and Disability: TKA suits those with intense knee pain. It’s ideal for arthritis sufferers or those with knee injuries unresponsive to non-surgical treatments.

Success and Efficacy of TKA

High Success Rates: TKA is highly successful, offering pain relief and improved joint function to over 90% of patients.

Recovery Timeline

Varied Recovery Periods: Recovery times differ, but many return to normal activities within a few months.

Active Life Post-TKA

Physical Activity Post-Recovery: After TKA and rehabilitation, enjoy walking, swimming, and other low-impact exercises.

Informed Decision-Making

Consultation is Key: Discuss TKA with your Knee Replacement Surgeon in Kolkata. An informed decision is crucial for your health and well-being.


Transformative Effects of TKA: TKA offers remarkable benefits. It relieves pain, improves joint function, and enables a more active lifestyle. For those considering TKA, consulting with a medical professional and weighing the information provided can guide you towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

This revision aims to enhance the readability and engagement of the content by adhering to the guidelines provided.

Total Knee Replacement Surgeon in Kolkata

Learn More about Dr Debasis Chakravarty