Case Studies


Case Studies

72 Years gentleman presented with severe grade osteoarthritis of knee.
He had severe deformity of his leg & was not able to walk properly due to unbearable pain & bowing of leg.

Under our unparalleled patient care & team management he underwent successful TKR (Total Knee Replacement) Surgery and now walking independently. His quality of life has been improved several fold.

65 year lady presented with fall & sustained left proximal humerus fracture. She had multiple co-morbidities and also had pacemaker.

Under our all around care she underwent successful Nailing surgery & gained functional pain free shoulder movement. Now she is happy and doing her own independent work.

65 years female presented in emergency room with history of fall and sustained grossly comminuted (Distal humerus) elbow fracture. She had multiple medical issues. Under our proficient team work she underwent successful ORIF surgery

Immediate post-operative image.

8 weeks post surgery, the fracture united & she gained her functional elbow movement.

32 years gentleman presented to me after his successful right THR (Total Hip Replacement) surgery for advanced Osteoarthritis of bilateral hips due to AVN (Avascular necrosis).

HE underwent left sided THR ( Total Hip Replacement) surgery this time & he recovered well. Now he is enjoying his regular activities. This surgery improved his quality of life many folds and help him to gain a painless hip with normal lifestyle.

60 years gentleman presented with advanced osteoarthritis of knee with severe bone loss from proximal tibia. He was unable to walk few steps, due to extreme pain and deformity.

Under our care he underwent Total knee replacement (TKR) with tibial bone grafting and stem fixation. Which made his leg straight & let him lead a normal life with painless normal gait.

78 years lady presented in emergency room with history of slip & fall and sustained left hip inter trochanteric fracture femur. She had multiple medical conditions.

She underwent TFNA surgery and was ambulated full weight bearing from the very next day in hospital. Now she is walking by her own.

60 years male presented in emergency room with history of slip & fall and sustained left neck of femur fracture. He had multiple co-morbidities for which he was under treatment.
After all necessary investigation & medical team formation he underwent successful Dual mobility THR (Total Hip Replacement) Surgery and was ambulated full weight bearing with walker support from the very next day. Now he is enjoying a normal life-style.

67 year lady presented with failed left proximal humerus fracture fixation which underwent AVN (Avascular necrosis). She was opted for Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty (RSA) and had a successful recovery.